Reader Survey 2016

We’d like to know more about our readers, your likes and dislikes, the issues you care about and how you enjoy your leisure. The publishers of Your Time Magazine want to know your preferences so we can give you the best possible reading every month and support our advertisers who make it all possible.
Please take the time to complete our first survey and either post to: Your Time Magazine, PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC 4558 or complete it online at You can remain anonymous or supply details to be in the running to win a handy iPad Mini* Winner will be announced in our Januray edition. 

Question Title

* 1. How many people in your household usually read Your Time Magazine?

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* 2. On how many separate occasions do you usually open Your Time Magazine in the month?

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* 3. In total, how much time do you usually spend reading Your Time Magazine?

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* 4. How do you rate the overall quality of Your Time Magazine?

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* 5. Select the sections of Your Time Magazine you have read in the past month.
(Tick all that apply)

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* 6. What is your favourite section/s?

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* 7. Which of the following topics would you like to see more of in Your Time Magazine?
(Tick all that apply)

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* 8. Do you use the Puzzles page in Your Time Magazine?

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* 9. Describe the magazine in a few words.

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* 10. What is your gender?

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* 11. What is your or other reader/s age bracket?

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* 12. What postcode area do you reside in?

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* 13. If you are retired, are you a:

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* 14. Which of the following options most accurately describes the occupation of people residing in your household?
(Tick all that apply)

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* 15. What is your total household income (before tax) per annum?

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* 16. Have you, or would you be interested in, furthering your education? If so, which of the following would be the most appealing?

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* 17. Do you own or rent your current place of residence?

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* 18. Do you or do you intend to live in a retirement village in the future?

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* 19. How long have you resided at your current address?

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* 20. Approximately how old is your current residence?

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* 21. Do you currently have investments in any of the following?
(Tick all that apply)

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* 22. Do you have private health cover?

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* 23. Have you needed the services of a tradesman at your home in the last 12 months?

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* 24. What is your favourite club/pub for outings and meals?

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* 25. Are you planning to buy or sell property within the next 2 years?

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* 26. Are you planning to downsize within the next 2 years?

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* 27. Are you planning to renovate your home within the next 2 years?

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* 28. What are your hobbies/interests/club memberships or activities (please list more than one if appropriate):

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* 29. Do you own a pet?

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* 30. Are you planning to buy or sell a car within the next 2 years?

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* 31. What mobile phone/internet provider do you use?

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* 32. Do you own/plan to own one of more of the following? (Tick all that apply)

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* 33. Are you planning a holiday in the next 12/24 months? (Tick all that apply)

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* 34. How many times per year would you typically travel?

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* 35. Are you, or are you considering becoming, a Grey Nomad?

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* 36. Where do you predominantly buy your groceries?

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* 37. If you drink alcohol, what store/supplier do you normally use?

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* 38. Which publications do you read on a regular basis? (Tick all that apply)

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* 39. Which Radio Station do you listen to the most?

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* 40. Do you have any/all of the following:

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* 41. Do you have the capability to record TV programs?

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* 42. What would you mostly watch on Free to Air TV? (Tick all that apply)

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* 43. Are you online via? (Tick all that apply)

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* 44. Do you have an email address?

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* 45. What is your favourite website for news and information that is relevant to you?

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* 46. Do you use Facebook and or other social media platforms?

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* 47. 47. If yes, what is your favourite page?

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* 48. If Your Time Magazine were to develop a website that was updated weekly with more of what you love, would you subscribe (free of charge) to receive alerts and get more?

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* 49. Thank you for completing our survey. Please enter your name, email address and contact number to go in the draw to win an iPad mini (optional).