Call for Papers

The Arkansas Head Start Association and Head Start State Collaboration Office voted to use a different approach and format for our annual institute for 2025 due to the expense of hotels. The Head Start Annual Institute will be split into two-time frames.

Therefore, the Call for Papers will focus on the following five content areas for June:

1. The Final Rule-Head Start Program Performance Standards (Mental Health, Salaries, Wage Parity, etc.)
2. Office of Early Childhood Leads
3. Positive Behavior Support
4. Change with a focus on Policies and Procedures
5. Racial Equity: Innovative Ways to Address Individuality and Make it Work for your Program

November Content Focus Areas:

1. Trauma Informed Care
2. Systems and Services
3. Building Support Systems
4. Health Services/Children with Disabilities
5. Racial Equity in Quality Programs

Please join us for the 2025 Head Start Annual Institute!

We are asking that your proposals address any ten of these content areas. Each session will be 2 hours in length. Please complete the call for papers online at before February 15, 2025. Please include the session title, session description, presenter, name, title, contact information, credentials, and a short bio for the presenter and co-presenter (if applicable). Thank you!

For more information, please go to or contact the Arkansas Head Start Association at 501-371-0740 or e-mail or