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MARSSAM Post-Cruise Survey
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience working with the Oregon State University Marine Sediment Sampling (MARSSAM) group. This information helps us validate what is working, as well as guides our efforts to improve.
Were the science objectives related to coring met on your cruise?
Did the coring equipment provided for the expedition work as intended?
Did you feel the science party received adequate training in safe and efficient deck operations associated with corer set up, deployment and recovery? Were coring operations led by MARSSAM technicians conducted safely?
If MARSSAM provided a multi-sensor physical properties track for your cruise, did you feel the science party received adequate training for its operation? Did the instruments function as intended?
Did you feel the science party received adequate training in appropriate sample archival techniques if necessary? Were sufficient and appropriate general core archival and curation materials provided?
Was planning for the coring program associated with your cruise thorough and accomplished with sufficient lead time?
Were you satisfied by communication with MARSSAM management and technicians, both during cruise planning and while at sea?
Did all science gear required for coring arrive safely and on time for your cruise? If MARSSAM assisted with shipping of ancillary science equipment or samples in addition to recovered cores, was that service helpful?
Did you feel sufficient time was scheduled for mobilization/demobilization of coring and other scientific equipment?
Do you have any other comments on your experience or suggestions for how MARSSAM can continue to improve our service to the scientific community?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered