My Bag Year 3

As part of the planning, we are interested in feedback on the program to date. Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey. The last day to submit this survey will be November 3. Thank you!
1.Name of Your County
2.Did your county participate in the My Bag Program? If no, please proceed to Q5.
3.If yes, what age groups did you give the bags to (check those ages that apply)?
4.How many of the bags did your receive per age group and how many remain in your inventory per age group as of October 1, 2022.  Indicate numbers:
5.Realizing you did not participate in year 2, would you be interested in participating in year 3? If so, please indicate how many bags you would like by age group? 
6.If we can offer additional colors, what are the most frequently asked for colors (subject to availability)?  Please check those that apply:
7.If other colors, please specify: 
8.If you must transfer a child to another placement, how often does the child still have the bag from the My Bag Program to transport their personal belongings in:
9.If you could include an item as a source of comfort with the bag, what would that item be?
10.Based upon the availability of funds and products, OCFS intends to continue the My Bag Program.
Please send any comments or recommendations you might have to improve the program.