Exit this survey >> The Hamilton Company Customer Survey Let us know how we are doing. Your responses will help us serve you better. Include your contact information below to be added to our mailing list and be entered into our monthly drawing for a $50 American Express gift certificate!Please respond to each question and statement. Indicate how strongly you Agree or Disagree with each statement by selecting the appropriate response below each. You may enter additional comments below.Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Question Title * 1. What is the address/name of your residence? 601 Albany Street, Boston 11 Allen Street, Arlington 1-4 April Lane, Lexington, MA 53-55 Ashford Street, Allston 110 Babcock Street 222-230 Babcock Street 5-15 Barrows Place, Allston 1101 Beacon Street , 1101 Beacon Associates 1111 Beacon Street, Brookline 1078-1130 Boylston Street , 1078-1130 Boylston Street 40 Boylston Street , 40 Boylston Associates 62 Boylston Street , Boylston Downtown 38-40 Boylston Street , 38-40 Boylston Street 1078-1088 Boylston Street , MBH 1-12 Brattle Street, Arlington 2-32 Brighton Ave. , 2-32 Brighton Avenue 19-25 Brighton Avenue , Brighton Avenue Apartments 27-31 Brighton Avenue , 27-31 Brighton Avenue 78-80 Brighton Avenue , 78-80 Brighton Avenue 128 Brighton Avenue , 128 Brighton Avenue 45-55 Brighton Avenue 435-441 Cambridge Street, Allston 508-524 Cambridge Street, Allston 704-718 Chelmsford Street , Olde English Village 135 Chestnut Street , Hamilton Square 9&15 Chester Street, Cambridge 566 Commonwealth Avenue , 566 Commonwealth Avenue 1079 Commonwealth Avenue , The Atrium 1095 Commonwealth Avenue , 1095 Commonwealth Avenue 1131-1137 Commonwealth Avenue 1144-1160 Commonwealth Avenue 1227-1245 Commonwealth Avenue , 1227-1245 Commonwealth Avenue 353 Concord Avenue , Hamilton Minuteman 160 & 170 Concord Street , Covelly Apartments 11-15 Dudley Street, Arlington 122 Dustin Street, Dustin Street Apartments 160 East Berkeley Street , The Lofts at East Berkeley 976-1032 Eastern Avenue , 976-103 Eastern Avenue 83 Essex Street , 83 Essex Street 98 Gardner Street , 98 Gardner Street 9 Gardner Terrace , 9 Gardner Terrace 284 Great Road , Nashoba Apartments 1025 Hancock Street , The Hamilton 256-258 Harvard St , Coolidge Corner Shops 49-55 Harvard Street , Harvard Gardens 282-290 Harvard Street , Coolidge Corner Theatre 38-40 Highland Street , Highland Street Apartments 66 Homer Avenue, Homer Apartments 170 Lawton Street , Lawton Street 8-18 Lincoln Street , Lincoln Street Plaza 233 Main Street, Watertown, Hamilton Place 333 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington 385 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington 898 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington 1200 Massachusetts Avenue , Longfellow Apartments 132-144 Middlesex Road , Middlesex Condo Associates Minot Shores, 21-29 Musquashicut Avenue, Scituate 48-50 Newmarket Square , 48-50 Newmarket Square 140-154 North Beacon Street , Courtyard at North Beacon 155 North Beacon Street , 155 North Beacon Street 30 & 50 Oak Street Extension , Hamilton Oaks I 30-50 Oak Street Extension , Hamilton Oaks 53-63 Parkman Street 10-85 Queensway , Hamilton Village 75, 84, 88, 90 Quincy Shore Drive , Hamilton Bay 165-185 Quincy Shore Drive , Hamilton Bay Condominium 40 & 60 Reservoir Street , Hamilton Oaks II 3-17 River Drive , River Drive Apartments 65 Riverside Avenue , Medford Square 8-20 Riverside Street , 8-20 Riverside Street 143-145 St. Paul / Freeman Street , Freeman / Saint Paul Apts. 12 Stoneholm Street, Boston 376-382 Sunderland Road , Redwood Hills 178 Thorndike Street , 178 Thorndike Street 5, 7, 10, 12 Totman Road , Brookside Apartments 127-135 Washington Street, Washington Heights 551 Washington Street , Capital Plaza 1102 Washington Street , Mings Towngate 396-400 Washington Street , Ivy Place 1134 Washington Street , 1134 Washington Street 2-20 Westgate Drive , Westgate Apartments 105 & 107 Westgate Drive , Courtyard at Westgate Westinghouse Plaza 10-70 Westland Street / 985-997 Pleasant Street , Westside Colonial 8 Winter Street 203-207 Winthrop Street , Cohannet Village 680 Worcester Rd / 74-84 Main Street , Hamilton Plaza 545-561 Worcester Road , Executive Apartments 659 Worcester Road , Staples Plaza 1400 Worcester Road , Natick Plaza 32-42 Worthen Road, Lexington, MA Question Title * 2. The Hamilton Company buildings are attractive and in excellent physical condition. Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 3. When I call The Hamilton Company, I receive excellent customer service. Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 4. The Hamilton Company responds to my inquiries/problems in a timely manner. Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 5. How many days did it take us to respond to your inquiry/problem? Question Title * 6. I was pleased with The Hamilton Company's response to my inquiry/problem. Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 7. When I moved into my residence, I was pleased with the condition of my apartment/condominium. Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 8. I am pleased by my overall experience with The Hamilton Company. Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Question Title * 9. Would you recommend The Hamilton Company to your family/friends? Yes No Question Title * 10. Comments: If you would like to be added to our mailing list and be entered into our monthly drawing for a $50 American Express gift certificate, please enter your contact information below.Your privacy is important to us and your information will NOT be used to identify your survey responses or in connection with any other offer. Question Title * 11. Name Question Title * 12. Email Question Title * 13. Telephone Question Title * 14. Address Next >>