1. First Year Student Survey

Please rate the following statements

Question Title

* 2. Mission and Philosophy

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
a) The nursing curriculum reflects the philosophy of the nursing program.
b) Student representatives at faculty meetings provide effective channels of communication between faculty and students.
c) There are opportunities for students to participate in college wide organizations and nursing program activities such as planning for pinning ceremony.

Question Title

* 3. Nursing Faculty

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
a) Nursing faculty serve as professional role models.
b) Nursing faculty are knowledgeable and current in nursing content.
c) Nursing faculty are knowledgeable and up-to-date in clinical practice.
d) Nursing faculty convey a positive attitude toward students.

Question Title

* 4. Students

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
a) Nursing student policies are clearly stated in the nursing student handbook.
b) I have access to student support services provided through the college.
c) I am satisfied with student support services provided through the college.
d) I am satisfied with advising from nursing faculty related to course scheduling and registration.
e) I have access to tutoring services.

Question Title

* 5. Curriculum and Instruction

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
a) The general education courses in the nursing curriculum add to the knowledge base needed to practice nursing.
b) The nursing course syllabi adequately describe course requirements and grading procedures.
c) Lecture and other instructional activities provide adequate opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, values and competencies needed to provide client care at a beginning level.
d) Clinical practice experiences provide adequate opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, values and competencies to provide client care at a beginning level.

Question Title

* 6. Resources

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
a) I agree that the learning resources available in the nursing program and through the college are adequate to meet my learning needs.
b) I use the computer resources in the nursing facility.
c) Computer resources are helpful in mastering nursing content.
d) I am satisfied with the availability of computer resources.
e) Distance Education courses have enhanced my learning.
f) I am satisfied with the orientation that I received for distance education/on-line courses.
g) I am satisfied with the technological support that I received related to on-line learning.
h) The nursing skills lab provides adequate opportunities to practice and learn nursing skills.
i) The Library resources are adequate to meet my learning needs.
j) The Library hours provide sufficient access to Library resources.
k) I am satisfied with availability of the video tape resources.
l) I found the nursing tutoring services helpful.
m) I have found the Student Writing Center to be helpful.
n) The classroom facilities are appropriate to meet student learning needs.
o) The nursing skills lab facilities are appropriate to meet student learning needs.
p) The nursing computer lab facilities are adequate to meet student learning needs.

Question Title

* 7. I would suggest the purchase of the following equipment to enhance student learning:

Question Title

* 8. Program Outcomes

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No opinion Agree Strongly Agree
a) I practice patient-centered care based on professional standards of nursing practice, individualized patient expectations, values, needs, and culture.
b) I demonstrate caring behaviors toward the client, support persons, peers, colleagues, and self.
c) I utilize the nursing process as the foundation for clinical practice.
d) I collaborate with members of the healthcare team to ensure continuous and reliable care.
e) I communicate effectively with clients and their families, colleagues, and other members of the health care team using therapeutic verbal and written communication skills.
f) I integrate the ethical use of informatics into clinical practice
g) I apply evidence-based research to clinical practice.
h) I apply quality improvement concepts through assessment, reflection, and personal improvement.
i) I demonstrate professional behaviors by practicing nursing legally, ethically and accountably.
j) I recognize the importance of life-long learning and professional development.
k) I apply the teaching and learning process with clients and support persons to promote and maintain positive health outcomes.
l) I manage client care efficiently and effectively in diverse healthcare settings.

Question Title

* 9. Overall I am satisfied with the quality of the nursing education I am receiving at Northern.

Question Title

* 10. Please provide comments and examples of what has been particularly beneficial or not beneficial to you during the first year in the nursing program.

Question Title

* 11. Provide any other suggestions that will be helpful to faculty to consider in continuous program improvement.