Thank you for taking part in this important survey which is part of the Asian Community AIDS Services’ Heterosexual Men’s Sexual Health Program. This survey will involve collecting information regarding sexual behaviors of heterosexual Asian men as well as measuring the degree of sexual health and HIV/STI knowledge. The results from this survey will help us make improvements to existing services as well as develop new features to this program to better serve the heterosexual men of East and Southeast Asian descent. This survey should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

Given the sensitivity of the questions being asked, we want to assure you that your responses are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to the respondent. No personally identifiable information will be captured and your responses will be combined with those of many others in a summarized report to further protect your anonymity.

Please note that if you have any concerns or questions regarding sexual health and/or HIV/STI, you can get in contact with the following organizations for free and confidential services.

Asian Community
AIDS Services (ACAS)
260 Spadina Avenue, 4th floor (rm. 410)
Toronto, ON, M5T 2E4
1-877-630-2227 or 416-963-4300

AIDS & Sexual Health InfoLine (Multi-lingual service)
1-800-668-2437 or 416-392-2437


Hassle Free Clinic
66 Gerrard St. E., 2nd floor
Toronto, ON, M5B 1G3