XS Pharma Customer satisfaction survey

Customer satisfaction survey

It is very important for us to hear what you think about our products and services. We at XS Pharma want to ensure that we exceed the expectations of our customers and patients consistently.
1.Please tell us who you are?
2.Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?
3.How long have you been using or buying our products?
4.Which of the following product are you using / have you used?
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend this product to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
6.How would you rate the quality of our service?
7.Are you satisfied with the safety and efficacy of the product/s used?
8.Please help us to understand why you are not happy with the quality, safety and efficacy of the product? ... (only if applicable)
9.Please add batch number and expiry date and / or comment on the experienced on using our product