
Dear Montreal Media Community,

We are looking for a small team [2-4] of early career professionals/students to participate in the Future Earth Annual meeting taking place in Montreal from March 17 - 23.

We are looking for a team to conduct a series [10-15] of short video interviews/podcasts. In the interviews, we wish to showcase the international Future Earth community which consists of scientists, executives and international sustainability experts.

The original deadline has passed and interviews will begin shortly. We will keep the online application open until the position is filled. Please do not hesitate to contact david.oram@futureearth.org should you have any additional questions. We will be selecting one team based on their media expertise, interview skills and their interest/knowledge in sustainability issues. Note, this is a volunteer position and own media equipment is considered an asset.

We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions, please contact David Oram or Jean-Patrick Toussaint on the Future Earth Open Network, here

Question Title

* 1. I hereby agree/understand that:

A. Our team consists of students and early career professionals [<10 years since highest degree]
B. That this a volunteer position
C. Will be available, as needed, in Montreal during the week of March 17 - 23
D. Agree to work in the weeks and months following March 23 to develop publishable content
E. Our team has strong written and verbal english communication skills

Question Title

* 2. We understand that we will be required to produce both a short written submission and produce a 60-90 second video to showcase our sustainability knowledge and media savvy.