From the Partner Perspective: The Sexual Challenges or Triumphs

Please Take A Moment To Read Before Beginning.

Information from the partners of cancer patients will provide valuable insight. I want to extend tremendous gratitude to you for taking the time to read this and participate to whatever extent you wish.

Please answer as many questions as you like. All questions are optional. All stories are welcome but the focus is on cancer's impact on sexuality and intimacy. It can be a brief mention: "It sucks." or "I hate the fact that it takes so much time to stimulate my partner." or "Her breasts are like rocks." or "Our sex life is better than ever."

~Include as much detail as you are comfortable sharing regarding issues surrounding intimacy and sexuality.

~Write candidly, as if you were speaking to a friend. No worries about grammar or spelling, or for that matter, language.

The stories are vitally important to the success of this project. By sharing thoughts about your partner's body, her sexuality and your physical relationship, you will be helping others. Some don't know what to do to reclaim a sexual relationship with their partner after the trauma of cancer treatment.

Include only the contact information you wish to share. This information will be used as research for a book. No identifying information will be included but direct quotes from your responses may be used. If you wish to be identified, include your contact information here **and** email me to let me know. Thank you for taking the time to share your story for this project.

All email may be sent to

Again, my most sincere thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey.

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* 1. Are you male or female?

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* 2. Which describes your relationship to your partner?

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* 3. If you were involved prior to cancer, how would you describe your pre cancer sex life?

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* 4. How would you describe your current sex life?

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* 5. How did you feel when you first saw your partner's surgical scars? Did you feel your partner was "disfigured" or "mutilated" -- or was your partner sexually desirable, the changes in her body didn't matter at all?

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* 6. Were you afraid of hurting her those first few times you had sex after surgery? Did you have to do anything differently? Lubricants, extended foreplay?

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* 7. Many of us may feel embarrassed by our altered bodies. Was your partner reluctant to remove all of her clothing? Does she still prefer to cover any parts of her body with lingerie or a bra during sex?

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* 8. Did you have any conversation(s) specifically about sex beforehand?

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* 9. What else should we, the patients, know? We have lots of ideas in our heads and some of us are reluctant to discuss with our partners. Your input has the potential to make a big difference in the lives of many.

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* 10. Do you want to provide any contact information? Note: you may include responses in any, all or none of these boxes.