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* 1. Have you ever attended a yoga teacher training (YTT)?

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* 2. Do you own, manage or run a YTT?

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* 3. Are you an instructor in a YTT?

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* 4. How many participants does your YTT usually have per year?

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* 5. In your experience, what is the primary purpose of YTT participants?

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* 6. Is your YTT currently regulated by ACPE?

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* 7. Has your YTT been contacted by ACPE about regulatory requirements?

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* 8. If your YTT is subject to regulation by ACPE, please describe what requirements ACPE has imposed on your business. In particular, what fees have you had to pay to comply with ACPE rules?

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* 9. Has government regulation dissuaded you from offering a YTT or offering additional programs?

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* 10. Do you think YTTs should be regulated as "vocational," "trade," or "professional" programs?

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* 11. Would you be willing to work with Yoga Alliance as we assess ACPE's efforts in Alaska?