The Falmouth Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is interested in broadening its public outreach to understand the needs, possibilities, and resources with regard to community preservation and the Falmouth CP Fund.  Your survey responses will be helpful input for the CP Fund Annual Needs Assessment and the updated Community Preservation Plan. To learn more about the CP Fund along with the many projects that have been funded since 2006, please visit the Falmouth CP Fund website at and the CPC webpage on the Town website at This survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. How familiar are you with the Community Preservation Act (CPA) and the Falmouth Community Preservation Fund (CP Fund)?

Question Title

* 2. How important is the need for funding projects in each of the four allowable CPA categories over the next five years?

  Not Important Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Extremely Important
Community Housing
Historic Preservation
Open Space & Passive Recreation
Active Recreation

Question Title

* 3. How important is the need for funding community housing projects to accommodate the following populations?

  Not Important Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Extremely Important
Housing Insecure
Low Income
Moderate Income

Question Title

* 4. How important is the need for funding community housing projects to accommodate the following housing types?

  Not Important Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Extremely Important
Transitional Housing
Accessible Housing
Assisted Living
Home Ownership

Question Title

* 5. How important is the need for funding historic preservation projects to accommodate the following activities?

  Not Important Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Extremely Important
Preserve/Restore Falmouth's Historic Resources as Essential Assets of the Town
Preserve/Restore Falmouth's Historic Resources for Public Enjoyment
Improve Handicapped Accessibility to Falmouth's Historic Resources
Preserve/Restore Falmouth's Historic Resources for Community Housing

Question Title

* 6. How important is the need for funding more recreational facilities to accommodate the following activities?

Question Title

* 7. Please list other recreational activities here.

Question Title

* 8. Do you think there are sufficient active and passive recreational facilities that serve people with disabilities?

Question Title

* 9. How important is the need for funding open space projects to accommodate the following:

  Not Important Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Extremely Important
Preserve/Restore Natural Areas & Wildlife Habitats
Plan for Sea Level Rise for Salt Marsh & Beach Migration
Provide Buffers to Protect Water Quality
Improve/Preserve Public Access to Open Spaces & Water Resources
Protect Land for Local Agriculture

Question Title

* 10. Are there any specific Community Preservation priorities you think the Town should pursue? Or do you have any other thoughts or ideas regarding the Falmouth CP Fund?

Question Title

* 11. What is your age?

Question Title

* 12. How long have you been a full or part-time resident of Falmouth?