Question Title

* 1. Rate your overall experience with Permit Sonoma

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* 2. How do you primarily receive services or support from Permit Sonoma?

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* 3. Which role best describes you?

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* 4. How frequently do you use Permit Sonoma's services?

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* 5. How satisfied were you with our customer service team?

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* 6. Based on your previous response, describe your customer service experience with us in a few words.

Question Title

* 7. On a scale from 1-5, please rate your agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Permit Sonoma staff were knowledgeable about my topic.
Guidance provided was clear and easy to understand.
It was easy to speak directly with a member of the customer service team.
Permit Sonoma staff were courteous and helpful.
Plan comments were accompanied by applicable sections of the code.
I feel confident about how to move forward on my project.

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* 8. How quickly were we able to resolve your issue?

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* 9. What did you enjoy least about your customer service experience?

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* 10. Did a customer service representative contact you to let you know your issue had been resolved?

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* 11. Is there a customer service member you'd like to acknowledge for going above and beyond?

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* 12. How would you like to receive updates from Permit Sonoma?

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* 13. If you would like to be followed up with, please leave your name and contact info: