Please complete this application if you are interested in volunteering to be a head coach for an MBA traveling team (grades 4-8) for the 2024-2025 season. Incumbent coaches (the head coach from last year) and others who wish to be considered must apply by September 10, 2024. Interviews will be held in September. Applicants will be contacted shortly after the application deadline. Not all applicants will necessarily be interviewed. Selection of a head coach for each team will be confirmed AFTER traveling evaluations and traveling player rostering is completed. Each head coach may identify/request one or two (no more than two) assistant coaches; assistant coaches must be approved by MBA.

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* 1. Please fill in your name

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* 2. Please provide your email address

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* 3. Please provide your phone number

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* 4. Select the gender and grade level for the team you wish to be a head coach in 2024-2025

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* 5. Why do you want to be the head coach for this team?

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* 6. Please describe your basketball background and any basketball coaching you have done for MBA or other organizations.

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* 7. Please describe other volunteer experience you have, particularly working with kids.

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* 8. How would you define a successful season for this team?

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* 9. How do you handle situations when others' viewpoints are not aligned with yours?

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* 10. What do you see as the single greatest challenge facing youth sports today?

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* 11. Do you have any concerns with the time commitments of two practices per week and 10 weekend tournaments?  (Head coaches may need to miss occassionally but should be at most practices and games.)

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* 12. If selected to be the head coach, will you complete required coaching certifications (paid for by MBA) and will you follow all MBA policies?

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* 13. Please list any additional comments if desired.  Thank you for your interest!