Introduction- Fatigue

      Fatigue can result from a mental or physical health condition, medication use, or chronic pain, among other reasons. Treatment involves managing the underlying cause.
Physical and mental fatigue are different, but they often occur together. Repeated physical exhaustion can lead to mental fatigue over time.
Poor sleep, particularly when it occurs for a long time, can also lead to fatigue. Officials recommend that adults get 7–8 hours of sleep each night. According to some research, however, around 1 in 3 people in the United States say that they do not get enough sleep.
Eating a healthful diet and getting regular physical activity can help reduce fatigue for many people. Treating the underlying cause of fatigue, whether this is poor sleep or a health condition, also helps.
When fatigue affects safety, it becomes a public health concern. People with severe fatigue may act similarly to those who are intoxicated.
There are two main types of fatigue: physical and mental.
       A person with physical fatigue may find it physically hard to do the things they usually do, such as climbing the stairs. Symptoms include muscle weakness, and diagnosis may involve completing a strength test.
With mental fatigue, a person may find it harder to concentrate on things and stay focused. They may feel sleepy or have difficulty staying awake while working.
Causes of Fatigue:
Fatigue is associated with many health conditions and lifestyle factors, along with certain drugs and medications.

Mental Health Issues
Fatigue is a common symptom of clinical depression, either due to the depression itself or associated problems, such as insomnia.
Fatigue can also result from the following mental health issues:

-bereavement and grief
-eating disorders
-emotional exhaustion or burnout
-life events, such as moving home or getting a divorce.

Other causes of Fatigue can be:
-Sleep problems such as working late or sleep apnea.
-Vitamin Deficiencies
-Consuming caffeine close to bedtime
-Medical conditions and treatments
-People with chronic Pain may wake up frequently at night.
-Being overweight or under weight

Symptoms of Fatigue: 
   The main symptom of fatigue is exhaustion with physical or mental activity. A person does not feel refreshed after resting or sleeping.
It might also be hard for them to carry out their daily activities, including work, household chores, and caring for others.
The symptoms of fatigue may be physical, mental, or emotional.

Common symptoms associated with fatigue can include:
-aching or sore muscles
-apathy and a lack of motivation
-daytime drowsiness
-difficulty concentrating or learning new tasks
-gastrointestinal problems, such as bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea
-irritability or moodiness
-slowed response time.
-vision problems, such as blurriness

Symptoms tend to get worse after exertion. They may appear a few hours after activity or exercise, or possibly on the next day.

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