1. Waste Education Sessions with Madame Mulch

The Boonah Organisation for a Sustainable Shire has been funded by the Scenic Rim Regional Council to undertake an introduction to waste education for primary schools. This is a short survey to gather feedback about the effectiveness of the program, and measure the potential for ongoing education.

Your contribution to this survey would be appreciated.

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* 1. How satisfied were you with the value of the magic compost show session ?

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* 2. Does your school have a compost bin or bay ?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with the value of the recycling olympics session ?

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* 4. Does your school have recycling bins ?

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* 5. Where is recycling and composting (recycling food waste) being conducted at your school ?

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* 6. Have there been any changes in how your school manages waste since the sessions ?

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* 7. Would you like further sessions ?

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* 8. Would your school be prepared to pay for further sessions ?

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* 9. If you would like to add any further comments, feedback or information, please do so here.

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* 10. If you are happy to, please provide the name of your school.