PS/GE Collective Bargaining Agreement expires in September 2025.

Now is the time to have your voice as a member heard!

Are you interested in becoming part of the solution to make your workplace better? Please complete the following survey to give us a better understanding of changes you want to made.

Proposals must be submitted using this form only.

PS/GE Collective Bargaining Agreement
Click here for Collective Bargaining Agreement

*Your personal information is required to verify you are a member and to clarify any information you have provided. Your position and status are requested for informational purposes.

Your information will be beneficial for updating SGEU’s membership records and any form of updates. Also, this helps assist the Negotiating Committee in developing proposals.

Question Title

* 1. Member Name

Question Title

* 2. Member Home Address

Question Title

* 3. Government ID# (used on PSC Client)

Question Title

* 4. Member Home Phone

Question Title

* 5. Member Home Email

Question Title

* 6. PS/GE local #

Question Title

* 7. Job Title (not your occupation code)

Question Title

* 8. Ministry

Question Title

* 9. Work Location

Question Title

* 10. Please identify the type of proposal you are submitting

Note: Proposals are to be submitted at your Local Proposals Gathering. If your Local Proposals Gathering has already occurred and you would like to submit a proposal, you will have to contact another Local Chair to submit your proposal.

Please submit ONE issue per Article per proposal. You can submit multiple proposals but they MUST be completed individually.

Question Title

* 11. Identify the Article you wish to raise pertaining to the PS/GE CBA.

Question Title

* 12. Identify the issue in the above Article you wish to raise. Provide a brief explanation as to what you would like changed or added to the CBA.

Question Title

* 13. If the purpose of your proposal is simply to clarify wording, give examples of problems of how the current language is misinterpreted in the current agreement. Please reference the article you are clarifying.

Question Title

* 14. If this proposal is not currently identified in the contract, briefly describe the problem that prompted your proposal. If you wish, you can name other similar practices or identify other union agreements containing similar provisions. Please keep the rationale brief. Any longer documents should be referred to and attached to your proposal.

Question Title

* 15. Do you have supporting documents? Please attach them here.

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