It’s B&T’s industry drug survey Question Title * 1. When it comes to recreational drugs, do you…? Never touch them I’m just too old for all that now Dabble socially but never at work Once a year at the Christmas party Dabble occasionally and occasionally at work I can’t get through the working day without them Question Title * 2. What drugs do you use? (You can pick more than one.) None Marijuana Prescription medications Alcohol Cocaine Ecstasy Meth Amphetamine (speed) LSD Heroin Other Question Title * 3. What’s the prime reason you use drugs? They’re fun They get me through the boredom of the day Stress relief Helps with concentration So I can suffer my work colleagues They get the creative juices flowing Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Are you worried by your drug use? No, it’s only occasional and I have it under control The comedowns and the hangovers are starting to hurt a little Yes, I would say it’s starting to affect my work performance I am/I have sought professional help for my drug use Question Title * 5. Where are you most likely to use drugs? At home In the office Socialising outside of work Question Title * 6. Do you suspect there’s a drug problem at your workplace? No I’m sure the Millennials probably dabble on weekends Yes, but everybody’s doing it I’d have no idea Question Title * 7. Do you think there’s a problem with drugs in the media/advertising industry generally? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 8. Do you believe drugs are more prevalent in the media/advertising industry than in other industries? Yes No, it’s no worse than anywhere else Not sure Question Title * 9. Do you believe drugs can help with the creative process? For sure Depends which drugs they are No Not sure Question Title * 10. Have you ever been busted for using drugs at work? Yes No Question Title * 11. Do you believe your industry needs a tougher stance with drugs? Yes No, it’s an individual’s choice and has nothing to do with the industry Yes, there should better drug and health education B&T thanks you for taking the time to fill out the survey. Done