Celebrate Our Carers Event Registration

An event to honor all the caregivers in our lives

The Ohio Olmstead Task Force (OOTF) is hosting a celebration of direct care workers. The event will be held in the atrium of the Ohio Statehouse on September 28, 2023, from 12 to 3 PM. Registration is appreciated but not required. 

If you have questions or concerns please contact Jennifer Kucera at jenniferkucera134@gmail.com

We look forward to meeting you at this important event!
1.What is your full name?(Required.)
2.In what county is your home located?(Required.)
3.Which of the following best describes you? (Required.)
4.Would you like to meet one-on-one with your state representatives?

Please note: If you answer yes, OOTF will try to arrange these meetings in advance, on your behalf. OOTF will reach out to you once you have registered to coordinate the best times for your meetings. 
5.At what email address would you like to be contacted with information about the event?(Required.)