What are the benefits of the study?
Although you may not receive a direct benefit from your participation, others may ultimately benefit from the scientific knowledge gained from this research. By completing this study, you will help us develop a better understanding of the risk and protective factors for disordered eating and exercise behaviors.
Will I receive payment for participation? Are there costs to participate?
There are no costs to participate. To thank you for your participation if you choose to completed the extended questionnaire, you will have the choice to receive either an entry into a raffle for one of 5, 20 USD amazon.com gift-cards or, if you live in the New York Capital Region, a small running related prize (t-shirt or pint glass valued at ~10 USD). If you would like the small running related prize you will be provided with instructions for coordinating pickup at the end of this survey. Those choosing to enter the raffle with be notified, via email, if they win at the culmination of study recruitment (late summer/early fall 2018).
How will my personal information be protected?
All information obtained in this study is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law. The University’s Institutional Review Board responsible for monitoring this study may inspect the records.
To ensure your privacy and confidentiality, all response materials will be coded with a participant ID number. Your name will not be recorded on any of the questionnaires and thus will not be linked to your responses. Data will be entered and stored on a password protected electronic database available only to the researcher. Following entry into this database, paper copies of survey responses will be destroyed. None of your information will be connected to your name or any other personally identifying information.
Can I stop being in the study and what are my rights?
You should also know that participation in research is entirely voluntary. Even after you agree to participate in the research, you may decide to leave the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you may otherwise have been entitled. You should also be aware that the investigator may withdraw you from participation at his/her professional discretion.
Whom do I contact if I have questions about the study?
Take as long as you like before you make a decision. We will be happy to answer any question you have about this study. If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact the principal investigator via email at cscharmer@albany.edu or via phone at (319) 389-6996. The faculty advisor, Drew Anderson, can be reached via email at daanderson@albany.edu or via phone at (518) 442-4835.
Whom do I contact if I have questions about my rights as a study participant?
Research at the University Albany involving human participants is carried out under the oversight of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). This research has been reviewed and approved by the IRB. If you have any questions concerning your rights as a research subject or if you wish to report any concerns about the study, you may contact University at Albany Office of Pre-Award and Compliance Services at 1-866-857-5459 or hsconcerns@albany.edu.