2024 Pitch Competition Application

Please fill out the application to the best of your abilities, entering full and complete answers that detail as much about your business as possible. We look forward to receiving your completed application. If you have any questions or trouble with the application, please email info@bedc.bm.

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* 1. Applicant Name:

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* 2. Applicant Age:

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* 4. Applicant Phone Number:

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* 5. Please select which best applies:

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* 6. Business Name:

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* 7. Year of Establishment:

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* 8. Please provide a brief description of your business:

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* 9. Business Website:

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* 10. Business Social Media Handles:

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* 11. Please list your current team (Full Names & Position in the Company):

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* 12. Have you participated in a BEDC Program?

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* 13. If yes, please select the BEDC program that you have participated in. Select all that apply:

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* 14. What is the most recent year you participated in the BEDC Program selected above?

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* 15. Are you currently in business?

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* 16. What is the current structure of your business?

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* 17. Do you have a business plan? If yes, upload it here:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 18. What problem or need does your business address, and how does your product or service provide a unique solution?

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* 19. How would you categorize your business (e.g., retail, technology, service industry, etc.)?

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* 20. Describe your target market and the size of the potential customer base.

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* 21. Who are your main competitors, and how does your business differentiate itself from them?

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* 22. What is your current revenue and profitability? If your business is pre-revenue, please provide a timeline for expected revenue generation.

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* 23. If applicable, please upload any documents that support your business revenue generation, profitability or projected revenue generation.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 24. What is your marketing and sales strategy? How do you plan to reach and engage with your target audience?

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* 25. How have you funded your business so far? Please provide details on any previous investments or loans.

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* 26. If applicable, please upload any supporting loan and funding documents.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 27. How do you plan to utilize the $25,000 prize money to grow and improve your business?

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* 28. What milestones have you achieved in your business so far, and what are your short-term (next 6-12 months) and long-term (next 3-5 years) goals?

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* 29. Please provide information about your team, including relevant experience and skills that contribute to the success of your business.

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* 30. Describe any social or environmental impact that your business has or aims to create.

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* 31. How do you plan to measure the success of your business (e.g., revenue, customer satisfaction, market share, etc.)?

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* 32. If selected as a winner, how do you plan to give back to your local community or the small business ecosystem?