1. brandgym survey: Stretching from the Core

This survey is about the challenges of stretching from your core business into new categories.

By "brand stretch" we mean extending into new categories or markets (e.g. Dove stretching from bars into deodorants; Vodafone stretching from mobile networks into financial services; Stella Artois stretching from lager into cider), not just simple line extensions (Dove Bar Refreshing Green version; Vodafone Youth Network; Stella Artois 4% lager)

If you are an agency/consultancy person, please answer the questions thinking about the brand(s) you work on for your clients, rather than the company you work for.

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* 1. Please tell us your name, job and the company you work for. Just so we can track who has replied. We promise to not use your name without asking permission :-)

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* 2. Roughly what % of your brand growth in the next 3-5 years do you expect to come from the following? (your 2 answers should add up to 100%)

  0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Growing the core - selling more of what your brand already sells
Stretching your brand into NEW markets

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* 3. Over the last 5 years, roughly what % of your company's brand stretch initiatives failed (new product/service no longer on market after 3 years)?

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* 4. Overall, in your experience, what has been the most important reason for brand stretch failure (pick one)?

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* 5. In your experience, what is the impact of an unhealthy core business and brand on the chances of successfully stretching the brand (pick one)?

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* 6. Rate the importance of the following for successful brand stretching

  Extremely important Very important Important Not important Not important at all
Entering a large and/or growing market
Being first to market
A strong core brand and business to stretch from
Differentiated, relevant concept
Product/service that delivers against the concept
Price/value: attractive price vs. existing offers
Manufacturing capability and economies of scale
Sustained marketing investment for several years
Getting the right distribution levels

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* 7. How important are the following processes/systems for successful brand stretching?

  Extremely important Very important Important Not important Not important at all
Getting insight and foresight into potential brand stretch opportunities
Generating ideas/concepts for brand stretch
Quickly prototyping and exploring brand stretch ideas
Quantitatively evaluating potential of new ideas
Getting new brand stretch ideas into market quickly
Realistic financial evaluation of size of opportunity and financial payback

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* 8. How effective are the following processes/systems in your company?

  Extremely effective Very effective Effective Not effective Not effective at all
Getting insight and foresight into potential brand stretch opportunities
Generating ideas/concepts for brand stretch
Quickly prototyping and exploring brand stretch ideas
Quantitatively evaluating potential of new ideas
Getting new brand stretch ideas into market quickly
Realistic financial evaluation of size of opportunity and financial payback

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* 9. Thinking about brands in general, not just in your company
What is the BEST example of a brand stretching from the core into a new market, and briefly WHY?
And what is the WORST example of a brand stretching from the core into a new market, and briefly WHY?

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* 10. Please add any other thoughts about the benefits and challenges of stretching from your your core brand and business. Thanks for your time!