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About this survey

Health equity is when all members of society enjoy a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. When public health policies and programs center all people and address their needs equally.

The World Health Organiziation (WHO) says, "Health inequities are systematic differences in the health status of different population groups. These inequities have significant social and economic costs both to individuals and societies."

Health inequities are systematic differences in health outcomes! Full stop!

Health inequities are differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources between different population groups, arising from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. Health inequities are unfair and could be reduced by the right mix of government policies. 

Community members we want to hear from you.
We would like you to think about your health care, from access to medical care professionals and medicines to health-related resources (i.e. gym, fresh foods, mental health support, etc.) and any barriers you face receiving care (i.e. transportation, money, etc.).   
We invite you to use your experience as a guide in answering the following questions. The information is anonymous and will help shape our county's request for funding to address inequalities in our healthcare. We appreicate you taking time to provide input and feedback.

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* 1. Tell us what your needs are as it relates to getting you and your family to be healthy? How can we help right now?

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* 2. What are the barriers you see to having equitable healthcare in our county?

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* 3. When it comes to healthcare right now, what are we missing?

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* 4. What can the state do better, related to your health?

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* 5. Do you trust the State's Health care system?

0 of 5 answered