Individuals making comments must provide their name, institution/affiliation, and email address. This is for internal use only. We appreciate you taking the time to read the resource guide and provide your feedback. We will review and consider all comments, but retain ultimate discretion regarding the final content of the resource guide.

Please use the form below to enter your comments. The first section is used to provide general comments or global suggestions on the entire document, if applicable. Each section of the resource guide is identified with an open text field to provide specific comments (by referencing line numbers), if applicable. Once you have provided all of your comments, please remember to click the “Submit” button. This page should not expire due to inactivity.

The deadline to submit comments is September 6th.

Click to read the resource guide: Resource Guide on Breast Cancer Breast Conservation Surgery Margins

Please contact Brooke Bixler ( if you have any questions.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Institution/Organization

Question Title

* 4. Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate in the box any general comments or global suggestions on the entire document.

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate in the box specific comments (by line number) related to: Methods.

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate in the box specific comments (by line number) related to: Recommendations.

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate in the box specific comments (by line number) related to: Summary of Data Reviewed.

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate in the box specific comments (by line number) related to: References.

You have reached the end of the survey. Please double check that your answers are complete before submitting. Thank you for your time.