Agriculture and Agritech

1.Are you an agritech enthusiast or is your work related to agritech and agriculture or related domains?(Required.)
2.Your role/contribution in agriculture or agritech :
3.Do you think the challenges or difficulties are being tackled effectively ?(Required.)
4.What do you think are the biggest challenges faced by farmers in India today ?
5.Do you think upcoming tech such as AI & ML/IOT and other emerging tech has the ability to solve these existing issues ?(Required.)
6.In what operation in Agriculture can tech help according to you ?(Required.)
7.Fill in any possible tech implementation in the area that you would like to suggest.
8.What are some challenges you think are faced by Agritech enterprises and startups in the country ?
9.Any additional information that you would like to help us with ?
10.Your Email ID: