INTO SubSurvey - March 2019 Question Title * 1. How many authorised teaching posts are in your school (including principal)? 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-24 25-32 33-48 49+ OK Question Title * 2. Where is your school (County or Dublin Postal area?) Carlow Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin 1 Dublin 2 Dublin 3 Dublin 4 Dublin 5 Dublin 6 Dublin 6W Dublin 7 Dublin 8 Dublin 9 Dublin 10 Dublin 11 Dublin 12 Dublin 13 Dublin 14 Dublin 15 Dublin 16 Dublin 17 Dublin 18 Dublin 20 Dublin 22 Dublin 24 County Dublin Fermanagh Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laois Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow OK Question Title * 3. Please indicate the category of your school from this list. Ordinary Urban Ordinary Rural DEIS Urban DEIS Rural Gaelscoil Urban Gaelscoil Rural Gaeltacht Special School DEIS Gaelscoil Urban DEIS Gaelscoil Rural OK Question Title * 4. For how many substitutable days in the past month was no substitute employed? OK Question Title * 5. For how many days was an unqualified substitute employed (any substitute paid at the unqualified rate) OK Question Title * 6. I have verified this information with the OLCS Agree Disagree OK Question Title * 7. Please enter your Roll Number OK DONE