Funding Forum 4th May

You were a participant at SociaLink's Funding Forum at Club Mt Maunganui on 4 March. We would like your feedback on  how it was for you. There is plenty of space for recommendations for improvement. Don't hold back.
And there are prizes!! one free place in any SociaLink run training over the next year for the first, 20th and 45th response to this survey.

Please use the star ratings - 5 stars = exceptionally good, 1 star = Very poor
1.How much new information did you learn at this event?
2.What was the most useful thing that you learned?
3.How would you rate each workshop?
5 starts
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Bay Trust - Sam Cummins
Department of Internal Affairs - Barbara MacKenzie & Donna Morgan
TECT - Paula Hudson
Proving your project has an impact – using your data to make a case - Liz Flaherty - SociaLink
Exult - Megan Thorn
Ripe for the Picking - Kat MacMillan
Acorn Foundation - Margot McCool
Impact Investment - Bay Trust - Terri Eggleton
Reporting responsibilities and Audits - William Buck blokes
4.Are you interested in additional training about using data?
We would love you to answer our wider data skills survey also. Please copy this link into your browser:
5.What else would you like to learn about and how can we make it better?
6.Any other comments?
7.Please add your name so we can send you a prize, if you win one.....
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered