Town of Zebulon Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan

Zebulon Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan Survey

The Town of Zebulon is updating its Comprehensive Plan. This Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Transportation Plan are long-range plans helps the Town – and others – to make sound and coordinated decisions regarding the future growth and enhancement of the community.

The Town’s planning team had just begun gathering input from residents and others in February-March when the coronavirus public health situation accelerated. During this time of social distancing, we would like to hear from you [through this online survey] until we can all come together again to share hopes, concerns and ideas about Zebulon’s future!
1.Do you live in Zebulon?
2.If Yes, how long have you lived in Zebulon? 
3.If you are currently employed, where do you work?
4.A lot of people talk about needing to maintain Zebulon’s “small town feel” and identity as it grows. What does that mean to you – what are some of those features of “small town” Zebulon that should be preserved?
5.Downtown is one of Zebulon’s greatest assets and part of its small-town character. As Downtown continues to be a focus for public and private investment, what specific types of improvements would you most like to see? (Please check all that apply.)
6.The area around Five County Stadium has the potential to be another great destination for Zebulon and the region. What types of development and activities would you like to see happen in the stadium vicinity that would draw you there more in the future?
7.Housing is a key concern in Zebulon as in many parts of the nation. What does Zebulon need more of?
8.Several participants at a public engagement session said more leisure/entertainment options for residents should be a priority focus for Zebulon. What are some leisure/entertainment activities you currently go elsewhere, outside of Zebulon, to enjoy? (Please check all that apply.)
9.Early leadership and community input for the Comprehensive Plan update was already pointing to some common priorities. All of these will need attention in the years ahead, but please check the one you consider most critical for Zebulon’s future:
10.What are some specific ways that Zebulon’s physical appearance and image could be made even better, for residents and those visiting our community?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered