Do you have an idea for a community project that will make Fawkner an even better place to live? Between August 2021 and February 2022 Hello, Fawkner! is running a program for people like you! Your project might support your fellow residents due to COVID-19, or be something you've wanted to do for a long time.
If successful, you will be supported to:
Further develop your idea and create a project plan
Develop a budget (you will receive some funding to support your project)
Put your idea into action
Who is eligible?
All Fawkner residents are invited to apply. You might be one person, a pair, or a group of Fawkner residents. (Please note: Only Fawkner residents can apply for The Great Idea Program, however, you may have other people involved in your project who live outside of Fawkner. Each person/group can only submit one application per round)
All members of the Fawkner community are encouraged to apply, including people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Before you apply.
Before applying, you need to:
Have a project in mind that you think will make Fawkner an even better place to live. Projects might just be an idea at this stage, or they might have already begun. (Note: Although it is not a requirement for you to contact us prior to submitting your application, we are happy to help you clarify your idea. Please just give us a call/email!)
Be willing to attend online meetings/sessions between August 2021 and February 2022 (dates/times/frequency of meetings will be determined based on the availability and capacity of successful individuals/teams).
Be willing to work with diverse members of the Fawkner community, including those from a range of cultural backgrounds.
Applications close 5pm on Friday 16 July 2021.
The Hello, Fawkner! team is more than happy to support you with your application. To request help or find out more information please email or call 1300 637 744.
Note: If you quit out of your device prior to completing the application, answers will save automatically. Simply click the original link to return to your application (using the same device).