Note:  The results of this survey will be confidential.  Comments will not be attributed to any specific respondent.  The purpose of the survey is to gather citizen opinion on the importance of broadband/Internet service and to help Granville County prioritize their efforts to attract faster and more reliable broadband service to all areas of the county.  Residential addresses will be used only to plot the location of respondents.

You may want to check the speed of your current Internet/broadband service before you start the survey.  This link will take you to another page, and you can then return to the survey.   Internet Speed Test

Question Title

* 1. Who is your current home Internet/broadband provider?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with your current Internet/broadband provider?

Question Title

* 3. If very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, please check the reasons for your rating (Check all that apply).

Question Title

* 4. Do you frequently experience delays/interruptions/buffering while watching streaming video?

Question Title

* 5. Would you be interested in faster Internet/broadband speeds at prices that are somewhat similar to what you are paying now?

Question Title

* 6. How would faster Internet/broadband speeds help you (Check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 7. Should Granville County undertake efforts to attract better Internet/broadband service to the region?

Question Title

* 8. How much do you pay per month for Internet/broadband service today:

Question Title

* 9. Contact Information