
All responses to this survey will be completely anonymous. Responses will be sent directly to our Human Resources (HR) department. No one will have access to your specific survey responses. Employers are not given any information that enables them to trace answers back to a specific person, even if you are part of a small demographic group. Please do not include your name or other identifying remarks in your responses. For questions contact

1. Review manager performance for the entire period. Refrain from basing judgments on recent or isolated events only. Disregard your general impression of the manager and concentrate on rating one factor at a time.

2. Consider the manager on the basis of the standards expected to be met for the job the manager is assigned based on the length of time in the job. Rate the manager on how well the requirements of the job are fulfilled.

3. Place a check in the box that best describes the manager's performance in that factor since the last appraisal (or date of hire if this is the manager's first review).

4. Keep in mind the relative importance of the factors will vary according to the position.

5. After rating the manager on each factor, provide examples to support your rating, if applicable.

Question Title

* 1. Your Job Position

Question Title

* 3. Your Manager's Name

Question Title

* 4. Enter Today's Date


Outstanding: Performance is distinguished and far exceeds requirements of the job.
Exceeds Expectations: Performance is exceptional and usually exceeds job requirements.
Meets Expectations: Meets all job requirements.
Needs Improvement: Performance is below the standards and requirements of the job.
Not Effective: Performance is well below requirements of the job and is unacceptable.

Question Title

* 5. Performance Evaluation

  Outstanding Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Not Effective N/A
Job Knowledge

Possesses and applies the necessary knowledge and mechanical skills for the position.
Professional Development

Participates in training programs, takes advantage of educational opportunities, reads professional publications to stay current on new developments and methods related to position.
Delegating Responsibility (if applicable)

Delegates responsibility to subordinates, clearly explains work instructions, and follows plans.

Demonstrates ability to plan and schedule work activities effectively, arranges workload to resources available to get desired result, allows flexibility in planning to accommodate changing needs by adopting alternate plans, and copes well with unexpected occurrences through proper planning.
Problem Solving

Demonstrates ability to evaluate problems and situations calmly and identify problem areas which need to be addressed.
Time Management

Organizes work to use time effectively and efficiently.
Evaluating Subordinates (if applicable)

Follows organization’s policies and procedures.
Meeting Deadlines

Works effectively under heavy workload and meets agreed-upon stated deadlines.
Decision Making

Demonstrates effective decision making skills. Makes suggestions and demonstrates initiative in executing directed tasks.
Following Instructions

Follows directions and asks questions as necessary to meet desired results.
Goals and Objectives

Sets goals and objectives, consistent with company goals, and develops plans in concert with immediate supervisor to achieve the desired goals.
Oral Communications

Demonstrates effective oral communication skills and conveys information in a clear and concise manner.
Written Communication

Demonstrates effective written communication skills and conveys ideas and information in written format. Prepares and completes clearly written, well-organized documents free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Peer Relations

Cooperates with others to effectively and efficiently accomplish work and help create and maintain good working relationships, provide assistance and back-up when necessary.
Supervisory Relations

Cooperates with immediate supervisor to accomplish work effectively and efficiently, provides effective assistance, training and back-up when applicable, and provides a system of oral and written communication.
Subordinate Relations (if applicable)

Cooperates with subordinates to accomplish work assignments effectively and efficiently, helps create and maintain good working relationships, provides effective assistance, training and back-up, and provides a system of written and oral communication.
Punctuality and Attendance

Works required hours, and arrives punctually to work and scheduled meetings.

Accepts responsibility for actions and/or accomplishments.

Question Title

* 6. Provide an overall assessment of the manager’s performance during the last review period.

Question Title

* 7. Identify and describe the manager’s principal strengths.

Question Title

* 8. Describe areas in which the manager must improve or training is needed.

Question Title

* 9. Describe manager’s objectives where improvement or training is needed during the next review period.

Question Title

* 10. Indicate specific training or development goals that will help the employee achieve long-term career objectives.

Question Title

* 11. Overall Performance Related to Position Requirements


Performance is distinguished in all aspects of the position.
Exceeds Expectations

Performance is exceptional in the major aspects of the position.
Meets Expectations

A fully competent, highly valued performer.
Needs Improvement

Performance is below the standards and requirements of the position.
Not Effective

Performance is well below standard and is unacceptable.
Select One

Question Title

* 12. Additional Comments