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Global Life in a Pandemic
Researchers: Prof. Marie-Therese Claes, Joyce Jenkins, Judit Vegh
Welcome to our survey on how global individuals and families experienced the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the research is to gain understanding of the impact of a pandemic on the lives of global individuals and families.
Please note that you are free to withdraw at any time. Your data will be kept anonymous and all data will be stored securely. The analysis of your participation in this study will be written up in a report and may be included in articles around the subject. You will not be identifiable in the write up or any publication which might ensue.
Please read each item carefully before responding. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to any of these questions. The survey should take around 40 minutes to complete. You can save and continue the survey at the end of each page if you cannot complete it all at one time. The first half of the survey mirrors the survey on 'The Impact of Covid-19 Situation on Expatriates and Their Families'. If you have already completed that you will be given the option to skip to page 5. The information we get from you will contribute greatly to the success of this project. Please feel free to share the survey with others who have relevant experience.
The deadline for completion of the survey is 15 July, 2020
The study is supervised by Prof. Marie-Therese Claes (Louvain School of Management, UC Louvain, Belgium) who may be contacted at