On a mission to improve the lives of the people we serve every day.

The city of Glendale website was purposefully designed around the services we provide, not around our departments.  We set out to make information easy to find, create visual appeal, and to "wow" our users with an outrageously good website.  Please tell us how we did.

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* 1. Overall, how well does our website meet your needs?

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* 2. How easy was it to find what you were looking for?

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* 3. Did it take you more or less time than you expected to find what you were looking for?

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* 4. How visually appealing is our website?

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* 5. How easy is it to understand the information on our website?

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* 6. How much do you trust the information on our website?

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* 7. How likely is it that you would recommend our website to a friend or colleague?

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* 8. Did you watch the video tutorial before using our website?

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* 9. Tell us how you primarily looked for information on our website.  Check all that apply.

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* 10. How often do you normally use our website?

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* 11. Sharing your affiliation with Glendale helps us know who we reached.  Please check all that apply.

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* 12. Sharing your residential zip code helps us understand who we reached with our survey.