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Survey of Vision & Objectives

The Glastonbury Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has reviewed the results from the surveys and community consultations we have held. These have helped us to understand how you, the residents of the town, would like to see the Plan move forward towards 2040 and make the town a better place now and for future generations.

We are now asking you to give us your views on the Vision & Objectives, which are based on those results, that will form the backbone of our Neighbourhood Plan. We ask every occupant of your household who is twelve years old and over to complete this survey before we develop the associated policies.

Please complete this survey by 30th September 2024

Vision for Glastonbury
In 2040, Glastonbury will be a community where:
* People of all ages and backgrounds feel welcome to live, work, and visit.
* The community has preserved and improved the unique legendary character and historic qualities of the town, resulting in a strong economy and a widely recognised local culture.
* The distinctive landscape, both physical and social, has been maintained through planned and structured growth.
* New housing development has been delivered that is proportionate to the needs of the residents, in terms of volume, size, and design.
* The Parish has become an exemplar for other market towns by creating an environmentally sustainable place, which is close to becoming carbon neutral; having increased local resilience to the impacts of a changing climate through sustainable design.
* Glastonbury’s unique creative arts culture has been incorporated into new development in a sympathetic and considerate way.
By 2040 Glastonbury is a World Heritage Site.

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* 1. Protecting and maintaining existing green space, archaeological sites, and heritage assets, and where appropriate create new local green spaces.

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* 2. Protecting Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation, including the provision of new green spaces.

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* 3. Preserving native wildlife and wildflowers in local green spaces

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* 4. Maintaining and preserving wildlife corridors and habitats.

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* 5. Preserve and enhance, where possible, historic trees, orchards and hedgerows, or mitigation where retention is not possible.

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* 6. Improving the self-sufficiency of the local economy, meeting needs locally in order to reduce carbon emissions.

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* 7. Wherever possible, decarbonising energy supplies through the introduction of energy efficient housing.

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* 8. Supporting local micro businesses.

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* 9. Promoting active travel, along with supporting local employment, home working, and local start up options.

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* 10. Preserving and safeguarding, where appropriate, employment uses and maintaining a lively mix of retail, leisure, and services in the town centre.

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* 11. Supporting commercial development which enhances Glastonbury’s status as a significant visitor attraction and pilgrimage centre.

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* 12. Encouraging local employment opportunities, especially where opportunities are offered for remote working.

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* 13. Ensuring any new commercial development doesn’t have a detrimental impact on the existing transport network.

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* 14. Protecting and preserving the historic setting of Glastonbury together with its rich history and heritage assets.

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* 15. Ensuring the art and cultural heritage of Glastonbury is included in any new development.

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* 16. Obtain World Heritage Site listing for Glastonbury

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* 17. Allocating sites for future small-scale residential development that will not place unacceptable strain on existing infrastructure.

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* 18. Ensuring any new development does not have an unacceptable impact on its environment and is implemented alongside identified infrastructure needs.

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* 19. Ensuring that housing on allocated sites provides an integrated mix of open market housing and affordable housing.

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* 20. Ensuring an appropriate infrastructure is in place to deal with surface water and sewerage within any new development.

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* 21. Supporting the use of renewable energy systems.

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* 22. Ensuring all dwellings in new developments have direct access to electric vehicle charging points.

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* 23. Requiring new developments to provide acceptable recycling facilities.

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* 24. Have a range of new housing solutions which meet the criteria for innovative design and energy efficiency, where appropriate through the use of alternative technology and a target of zero carbon emissions.

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* 25. Seeking solutions for reducing carbon emissions within any new developments.

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* 26. Providing affordable housing, particularly for the benefit of people with a local connection.

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* 27. Providing smaller housing for those wishing to downsize.

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* 28. Postcode

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* 29. Age Group

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For more information about this survey, please contact:
Sarah Hallam, Administration Officer,
Glastonbury Town Council
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