Friends of the Girdwood Skate Park

Friends of the Girdwood Skate Park are gathering feedback to shape the vision for the future of the Girdwood Skate Park.  We are seeking as much input as possible from users of the facilities to make quality improvements in the park. Please share this survey with others who use the park, or who you think might use the park.  For additional information, please contact Margaret Tyler, Girdwood Parks and Recreation:

Question Title

1. How do you use the Girdwood Skate Park?

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2. What is your age?

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3. How often do you use the Girdwood Skate Park?

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4. What is your skate park ability level?

Question Title

Below is a a drawing of the current Girdwood Skate Park layout.  Please refer to this when answering questions 5-8.

Below is a a drawing of the current Girdwood Skate Park layout.  Please refer to this when answering questions 5-8.

Question Title

5. What would you like to see added to the Girdwood Skate Park?

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6. What are your favorite existing features in the Girdwood Skate Park (choose up to 3)?

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7. Are there features that you would remove from the Girdwood Skate park (choose up to 3)?

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8. What projects interest you most at the park?

  Highest priority Mid-level priorty Low priority
Install a corner bowl adjoining the Metal Hip
Install 6' Metal Bowl
Install concrete features: Curbs, Jersey Barriers, Benches
Build a bigger half pipe
Build a Mini Double half pipe
Install small features such as tombstone, jersey barriers, round rail, parking blocks
Install Skatelite bowl
Install Concrete bowl
Add Roof

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9. Do you ride other places in Alaska or Outside?

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10. If Yes to Question 9, where do you ride?

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11. What do you like best about that Skate park?

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12. What is your favorite riding surface?

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13. If you could improve one thing at the Girdwood Skate Park, what would it be?

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14. Is there anything else you want to tell us about the Girdwood Skate Park?