The gig economy is rapidly expanding, offering significant employment opportunities for youth. This report aims to provide valuable insights for educators and employers on preparing youth for this flexible job market. Your participation is crucial in helping create a comprehensive guide for students pursuing or considering a career in the gig economy. By sharing your experiences, you contribute to a resource that will help shape the future of work for youth, ensuring they have the right skills to succeed.

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* 1. What are the most essential skills for Gig workers in your industry? (Select all that apply)

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* 2. What level of prior experience do Employers prefer when they engage Gig workers for their projects?

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* 3. How well do current gig workers meet your expectations in terms of job readiness?

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* 4. How important is ‘proficiency in digital tools and platforms’ for gig workers?

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* 5. How, in your opinion, can Gig workers upskill themselves? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. What is the most common skill gap you observe in new gig workers?

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* 7. How important are client management skills for gig workers?

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* 8. How well do gig workers generally handle feedback and revisions from clients?

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* 9. What new skills do you anticipate will be important for gig workers in the next 5 years?

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* 10. Do you have any additional comments or opinions on the skills required for gig workers or the gig economy in general?

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* 11. Your Name

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* 12. Email

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* 13. Company Name