Arrow passenger rail service is coming soon!  It will travel 9-miles end-to-end, with stops at the San Bernardino Transit Center, Tippecanoe Avenue, New York St./Esri, Downtown Redlands and the University of Redlands.  Arrow will connect with Metrolink trains, Omnitrans buses and other regional transit services seven days a week.  

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* 1. How often do you plan to use the new service?

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* 2. How do you plan to use the new rail service?

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* 3. How do you expect to most often connect to Arrow rail service from home?

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* 4. How do you expect to most often connect from Arrow service to your final destination?

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* 5. What would you expect to pay to use the new rail service from Redlands to San Bernardino?

0 $20

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* 6. What would you expect to pay to use the new rail service from station-to-station, such as from the University of Redlands to Downtown Redlands?

0 $20

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* 7. Would you be willing to participate in a focus group?

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* 8. If Yes, please provide your contact info

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* 9. Current Zip Code

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* 10. Gender

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* 11. Age

100% of survey complete.