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We want to hear from YOU!

The City of Gardena is engaging the community around upcoming budget planning. Below are some of the key priorities identified by your neighbors in a community survey conducted this year.  You have a voice in Gardena, and we want to hear it!

We will review all comments to ensure that the City continues to address the community’s priorities in its planning.

Your email or information will not be shared with any other entity

Question Title

* 1. Please review the following City services and rank them in importance from 1-8, with 1 being the most important.

  1. Keeping public areas safe and clean
  2. Repairing streets and potholes
  3. Maintaining firefighters and paramedics
  4. Maintaining 911 emergency response times
  5.  Protecting local drinking water supplies
  6. Maintaining vital city services
  7. Maintaining gang and drug prevention programs
  8. Maintaining senior services

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* 2. Feedback on City priorities:

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* 3. Suggestions for additional service priorities:

Question Title

* 4. I have the following questions:

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* 5. Keep me informed:

Question Title

* 6. Contact Information:

0 of 6 answered