Your feedback is valued and confidential

Providing feedback will help us to improve PASS sessions.  The responses you provide are confidential and will not influence your grades. It will only take a couple of minutes to complete and will help us to improve PASS. Many thanks - the PASS Team

Question Title

* 1. Campus you are enrolled in course

Question Title

* 2. How useful were the PASS sessions to you?

Question Title

* 3. Participating in PASS sessions has

  Agree Neutral Disagree
Improved my understanding of course content
Helped me to understand how to succeed academically
Encouraged me to take responsibility for my own learning
Helped me manage my study time more effectively
Been an enjoyable experience
Helped me understand how my course relates to my degree
Helped me feel more comfortable communicating in a group
Increased my motivation to complete my course
Improved my problem solving and analytical skills
Assisted me in preparing for exams
Helped me to appreciate and respect diversity among students

Question Title

* 4. The PASS Leader for this course has

  Agree Neutral Disagree
Kept the topics and content relevant
Probed students' knowledge by asking questions
Encouraged interaction between students
Encouraged everyone to participate
Guided or facilitated the learning process rather than taught us

Question Title

* 5. How did you feel about the group dynamics?

  Agree Neutral Disagree
I felt comfortable asking questions during the sessions
The workload was evenly shared among those who attended
Groups worked well as teams to solve problems and help each other
There were some dominant students who made things difficult

Question Title

* 6. What did you like most about PASS online?

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* 7. What suggestions do you have to improve PASS online?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any other comments about PASS or your PASS leader?