Iluminar's Games & Teambuilders for Relationship-Building - FALL 2022 & SPRING 2023 |
Restorative Justice Training Series
Led by CCEJ's adult education team Iluminar: Training and Coaching for Justice, our relationship-centered trainings introduce the core concepts of Restorative Justice as foundational practices in establishing equitable and just cultures.
What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative Justice is centering relationships in all we do, including when harm happens. Community Building Circles are dialogue-based spaces to build empathy, strengthen community, prevent conflict, and prepare for using Restorative Justice as a way to hold people accountable. This work is rooted in a culture shift away from incarceration & carceral thinking, disposability of human beings, three strikes laws/zero-tolerance policies, racist formal and informal policing, and disproportionately punitive disciplinary models.
Training Summary:
Whether you’re already a Facilitator or looking for activities to build community with your teammates, this 3-hour session will provide a series of sequenced activities for you to replicate. Designed for those interested in strengthening relationship-building skills, this training will provide opportunities for participants to experience activities as participant, practice games and teambuilders facilitation, and receive feedback from the group.
What to Expect:
All of our trainings and interactive. Participants will practice skills through group discussion, hands-on exercises, experiential Circle activities, roleplays, and feedback from experienced trainers. No session is able to be observed passively.
We offer both Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 training options. Please be sure you are signing up for the right option for you.
We require all training participants coming to our office to have received all their COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters. Masks are required for the full duration of training.
If you plan to pay by credit card at the end of this form, please do not request an invoice. You will receive a receipt.
All in-person trainings take place at our office: 3605 Long Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Long Beach, CA 90807.
Training Cost: $75
Training Cost: $75
For all questions or concerns, including accessibility and accommodation needs, please reach out to Director of Iluminar: Training and Coaching for Justice Sarah Ogdie at sogdie@cacej.org. Please note we are not currently offering refunds.