GAHE New Member Survey Question Title * 1. What is your age: Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Male Female Question Title * 3. What is your highest level of education? Undergraduate degree Graduate degree Other advanced degree Associates degree Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. In which region of the state do you live? Atlanta Metropolitan area North Georgia Central Georgia - Macon area Coastal Georgia - Savannah area South Georgia West Georgia Question Title * 5. What is your organization type? Patient care organization (acute, long-term, ambulatory, rehab) Consulting Health insurer Healthcare supporting industry - vendor Educational institution Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What is your role? Executive or C-suite Department head/director Manager Staff Retired Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Reason for joining: Networking Education Business Development Relocation Pursue the Fellow (FACHE) Designation Other: Question Title * 8. Do you have a mentor or sponsor? Yes No Question Title * 9. Do you have availability to travel to GAHE events? Yes No Question Title * 10. How much time are you willing to travel to midweek events in Atlanta? 15 minutes 15-45 minutes 45 minutes to an hour 1-2 hours More than 2 hours Question Title * 11. If you are not able to attend Atlanta events in person, are you open to regional events (such as going to hosted video feeds of Atlanta lunches or group continuing education)? Yes No Question Title * 12. Which GAHE resources do you think you’ll take advantage of most in the next year? Question Title * 13. Does your organization sponsor or encourage GAHE membership? (check all that apply) Pays dues Encourages meeting attendance Pays meeting registration fees Allows travel Promotes FACHE designation Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 14. What is your military status? Active military Retired military N/A Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. Do you intend to pursue the Fellow (FACHE) designation? No Yes If yes and you would like to be contacted with more information about the Fellows process, please provide your name, email/phone, and your questions/comments: Question Title * 16. Are you interested in joining a GAHE committee? Yes No If yes, please indicate which committee and enter your name, email address, and phone number to be contacted by the committee chair: Question Title * 17. OPTIONAL -- Would you like us to contact you regarding any issues or questions? No Yes If yes, please provide your Name, Email/Phone, and your question/comment: Done