About this Survey

What is the purpose of this survey? Public engagement on the Gabriola Official Community Plan Review is ongoing, and in this phase, we’re diving deeper into key topics that affect the island’s future, such as housing, Reconciliation, land use, environmental protection, and climate change.

To support your responses, we’ve provided discussion guides with background information, if you haven't seen those yet, please take a look here!

With your input, we can better understand the priorities and values of the Gabriola Island community.

Survey length: 12 minutes to complete (estimate)
Survey deadline: April 18, 2025
Navigating the survey: Please use the 'preview' and 'next' buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate the survey, answer questions, and review your responses. When finished, please go to the final page and click 'submit'.

Please Note: If you have more to say, email: Gabriola2050@islandstrust.bc.ca
Islands Trust acknowledges that the Trust Area is on the traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples, whose rich cultures and deep connections to the Salish Sea have endured for countless generations.