A New World is the first book in the 'Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl' series.

This quiz tests your knowledge of Carly Mills, book 1. A strange discovery sends Carly Mills right back in time to 1841. She meets Caroline Chisholm, who shows her how kindness and friendship can make the world a better place. Find out more at www.carlymillspioneergirl.weebly.com

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* 1. Who is Carly's best friend?

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* 2. Where does Carly live?

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* 3. What magical item of clothing sends Carly and Dora back to the past?

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* 4. What nickname Caroline Chisholm was known by?

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* 5. Which Australian banknote does Caroline Chisholm’s portrait appear on?

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* 6. What city is Carly visiting when she and Dora have their first adventure?

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* 7. What country did Caroline Chisholm come from?

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* 8. What pest gave Carly and Caroline a fright?

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* 9. Which famous author helped Caroline Chisholm fight for better conditions on sailing ships?

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* 10. How does Caroline Chisholm take the girls to the country?