Question Title

* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Position/Role/Job title

Question Title

* 4. Your Institution/Place of Work

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* 5. Jurisdiction

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* 6. Email address

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* 7. Phone number

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* 8. What days do you work?

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* 9. Where do you provide your services, please select all that apply:

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* 10. What is your allocated remit to palliative care services? (e.g. 1 whole time equivalent, 0.5 whole time equivalent etc)

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* 11. Terms and Conditions of Participation
By signing up to participate in the online seminars and meetings organised by the All Ireland Institute of Hospice & Palliative Care (AIIHPC), you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Data Use and Privacy: You consent to the collection and use of your professional data, including but not limited to your name, professional designation, and email address, strictly for the purpose of scheduling, organising, and conducting online seminars and meetings via platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Your information will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will not be sold, shared, or passed on to any third party for any reason.

Educational Learning Platform: As part of your membership to the Community of Practice, you will also have access to the AIIHPC Palliative Learning Hub, where all resources for the CoP are saved for your use, such as all meeting recordings. If this is the first time you have engaged with the AIIHPC, then after filling out this form, you will be contacted about your log in details to access the Hub. For all enquiries, please contact the Programme Manager for Education & Practice.

Communication: You agree that AIIHPC may use your email address to send you all AIIHPC communications related to the Communities of Practice, including but not limited to the Terms of Reference for the group, invitations to future events, regular Mailshot, Education & Research, and any updates or changes to scheduled activities. All communications will be sent in compliance with EU GDPR guidelines.

Opt-out: Should you wish to opt out of any future communications and withdraw from the Communities of Practice, you may do so at any time by sending an email to indicating your desire to unsubscribe. You will Upon receipt of your request, AIIHPC will promptly remove your information from our distribution lists and cease all future CoP communications. Our Newsletter is hosted and delivered via MailChimp. Mailchimp incorporates a straightforward "Unsubscribe" link or button at the bottom of every email campaign sent out. This link is prominently placed to ensure easy visibility and access, allowing recipients to opt out of future communications with just a single click.

Consent: By submitting the sign-up form, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. You acknowledge that your participation in the Communities of Practice is voluntary and that you are free to withdraw your consent and participation at any time.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. If you have any questions or concerns about how your data is handled, please contact us at

Question Title

* 12. Do you agree to your professional data, including but not limited to your name, professional designation, and email address being shared with other members of the Community of Practice for the purpose of information sharing/professional support/service development (as a note if you answer no, you are still welcome to join the Community of Practice)

Question Title

* 13. Can you tell us how you heard about the Communities of Practice?
Select all that apply