Screen Reader Mode Icon Check SCREEN READER MODE to make this survey compatible with screen readers. Workforce Connect Resource Feedback 2024 Question Title * 1. What best describes your main organisational or individual focus? Tier 1 Community Housing Provider Tier 2 Community Housing Provider Tier 3 Community Housing Provider Indigenous community housing organisation (ICHO) First Nations led service provider (other than ICHO) Specialist homelessness service Other support service or multi-service agency Other OK Question Title * 2. Please identify your region Beaudesert and Scenic Rim Brisbane Cairns and Far North Queensland Central West Queensland Gold Coast Ipswich and Lockyer Valley Logan Mackay Mareeba and Tablelands Moreton Bay Mt Isa and North West Queensland Redlands Rockhampton and Gladstone Roma and South West Queensland Sunshine Coast Toowoomba and Warwick Townsville Wide Bay Burnett Queensland Statewide Outside Queensland Outside Australia OK Question Title * 3. Which resource/document would you like to review? Burnout Guidelines Employee Onboarding Checklist Employee Onboarding Guide Organisational Wellbeing Policy Template Professional Boundaries Rewards and Recognition Information Sheet Supervision Agreement Template Supervision Guidelines Supervision Template Wellbeing Framework Wellbeing Plan Guidelines Wellbeing Plan Template OK Question Title * 4. How would you rate the resource overall? Very good Good Poor Very Poor OK Question Title * 5. Please rate the following statements: Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree The language in the resource/template was easy to read and understand The language in the resource/template was easy to read and understand Strongly agree The language in the resource/template was easy to read and understand Agree The language in the resource/template was easy to read and understand Disagree The language in the resource/template was easy to read and understand Strongly disagree The resource/template was easy to follow The resource/template was easy to follow Strongly agree The resource/template was easy to follow Agree The resource/template was easy to follow Disagree The resource/template was easy to follow Strongly disagree The resource is useful for organisation The resource is useful for organisation Strongly agree The resource is useful for organisation Agree The resource is useful for organisation Disagree The resource is useful for organisation Strongly disagree I will use this resource in the future I will use this resource in the future Strongly agree I will use this resource in the future Agree I will use this resource in the future Disagree I will use this resource in the future Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 6. Please tell us more, what do you like about the resource? OK Question Title * 7. Please tell us more, what could be better? OK Question Title * 8. Can we contact you about your feedback? If yes, please provide your name, organisation, phone number and email address below. OK DONE