Choices Volunteer Outreach Empowerment and Skill Building Initiative - LGBTQ+ community

1.What AZC location are you living in?
2.How many LGBTQ+ residents live in your AZC?
3.Are there LGBTQ+ COA contact workers in your AZC?
4.If yes, how many?
5.Can you tell us how safe you feel inside the AZC?
6.Does COA organise a LGBTQ+ group meeting?
7.If yes how often
8.Would you feel safe to organise a LGBTQ+ group meeting
9.Would the LGBTQ+ residents like to organise their own group activities with Choices support?
10.What kind of support / information is needed to organise a community group?
11.Woud free call for buddy support be helpful?
12.If yes, what kind of telephone buddy support would be helpful for living in the AZC
13.Does the community have a WhatsApp group?
14.Have there been activities organised by the community in the AZC?
15.If yes please describe
16.If you have any other suggestions on how we can support you organise group activities please tell us