Queensland Dairy Industry – Profitable and Growing


Queensland has the smallest average dairy herd size of all states in Australia, Queensland farms produce just 45% of the milk Queenslanders consume, we’ve got only 40% of the farms we had in 2011, and too many farmers are struggling to make a decent income.
The Dairy Industry Plan we’re developing in Queensland is about
· addressing why this decline is continuing,
· identifying what impacts farmer and processor decisions on investment and planning,
· finding ways to build the economic viability of dairy farming and processing, and
· building confidence in the future of Queensland’s dairy industry.
We want to bring the industry together and move forward to lift production, increase farmgate profitability and drive efficiencies throughout the supply chain.
eastAUSmilk, the three largest milk processors (Lactalis, Norco and Bega), Dairy Farmers Milk Co‑operative, SubTropical Dairy, and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, make up the Advisory Group which is steering development of the Plan. You can find out more here.
Consultation has started through district meetings and discussions with other stakeholders. This survey has been created to ensure everyone is adequately consulted in the first round.
Following initial consultation, the Advisory Group will consider all feedback and formulate the key points to be included in the Plan. The draft Plan will then go out again for consultation, before a final version is adopted.
Everyone on the Advisory Group hopes you will think about these issues and give us your thoughts. You can find some other industry plans here – you might find them interesting or useful.
All questions are optional, and all answers are anonymous.
You don't have to answer all of the questions, if you don't want to.
You won’t be able to return to change answers once you have finished the survey.
1.What is your postcode (so we can make sure we’re getting feedback from all dairying regions)
2.What are the three most important changes, which would improve overall Queensland industry production? Please explain briefly how each will improve production.
3.What are the three most important changes, which would help your business to increase production? Please explain briefly how each will improve production
4.What would you most like to invest in, to achieve a lift in production? Do you know how you could fund this?
5.If you expanded your herd size, would you plan to buy more land to grow more feed, or buy in extra feed, and potentially consider an investment in a feedpad or covered housing? Which of these options do you think would suit you best?
6.What are the three most important changes, which would help your business become more profitable? Please explain briefly how each will improve profitability.
7.Do you have any suggestions on how we can retain dairy farms in the industry when changing owners/operators?
8.In your opinion what would best build community commitment to support a profitable and growing dairy industry in Queensland? Please explain how your suggestions will improve community commitment / support
9.Reminder: this question is optional.

What is your name?
10.Reminder: this question is optional.

In case we need to follow up with you on any of your responses, what is the best number email address for us to make contact with you?