
The purpose of this survey is to gain a better understanding of  our staff's familiarity with the RAI-MDS, an assessment tool commonly used in Long Term Care and other care settings.  Only regulated health professionals can administer the RAI-MDS.

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* 1. Have you heard of the RAI-MDS tool before?  If so, where?

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* 2. If you used the RAI-MDS in a previous work environment, in what capacity? i.e. you were an assessor, educator, reviewed them or the outcomes.  Please be specific.

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* 3. We are exploring how Bayshore might use this tool for our TCU patients.  If we decide to pursue this, Are you interested in helping with rolling out this initiative?  i.e. helping establish workflows, being an assessor, trainer etc.  Please be specific.

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* 4. If you are interested in being a part of this initiative, please provide your name and unit.  Thanks!

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* 5. Any other questions, comments, feedback or concerns?