SFI Health product catalogue

We are considering introducing a product catalogue on our corporate (global) website; www.sfihealth.com. We propose to have this catalogue tool under an expanded section entitled 'our products'.

SFI Health has over 275 products in over 50 countries around the world. We’d like to make our range easier to understand and navigate and would like your feedback on the following catalogue.

Following is a mocked up picture of how the catalogue might appear.

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Please take a look at a proposed mock up of the site page and features

Proposed SFI Health product catalogue will host > 250 products and navigation tools to help understand product offering

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SFI Health product catalogue features

SFI Health product catalogue features

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* 1. Which region are you from?

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* 2. Please describe your relationship with SFI Health

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* 3. After looking at the proposed catalogue and functionality, how useful do you think this catalogue will be in helping:

  Not useful Somewhat useful Moderately useful Very useful N/A
Improve understanding of our product range
Make product selections.
Aid discussions with your customers
Assist patients / clients in your market
Discussions with an SFI Health employee

Question Title

* 4. For what purposes are you likely to use this catalogue?

  Never Somewhat likely Very likely N/A
Improve understanding of our product range
Make product selections.
Aid discussions with your customers
Assist consumers in your market
Discussions with an SFI Health employee
Understand which products are available in my country

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* 5. How often do you think you might use the product catalogue?

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Proposed catalogue functionality

Please look at the proposed functionality before responding to the next question.

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Filtered product screen shot and functionality

Filtered product screen shot and functionality

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* 6. How useful do you find the following features of the proposed product catalogue?

  Not useful Somewhat useful Moderately useful Very useful
Ability to filter by health need (e.g: IBS, menopause, memory etc)
Ability to filter by life stage (e.g: infant, child, adult etc)
Ability to filter by product format (e.g: capsule, powder, gummies etc)
Ability to filter by characterising ingredient (e.g: probiotic, herbals, omega etc)
Ability to select / shortlist products to compare
Ability to print or email shortlisted products
Ability to directly contact an SFI Health representative
Creating a URL of your selected product comparison
Ability to share your product comparison selection with others (e.g: email URL or PDF)

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* 7. How could we make this idea work better for you?

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* 8. Do you think SFI Health should proceed with this idea?

Thank you for you time, we really appreciate the feedback