Personal Details

This survey will collect your feedback on the adventure content release during the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest so we can improve adventures going forward for the final release of the new edition of Starfinder!

There are several sections in this survey relating to adventures. If you want to leave the survey and come back later, you can do so after you complete a page. When you return, use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of each survey page to find the section for which you want to take the survey or update your previous answers.

Before we start talking about the rules, we'd like to know a little bit about you. Note that this survey is anonymous and that none of the information given in this survey is linked to identifying information in any way.

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* 1. Have you played 1 or more sessions of Starfinder 1st Edition in the past 6 months?

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* 2. Have you played 1 or more sessions of Pathfinder Second Edition in the past 6 months?

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* 3. Have you played 3 or more sessions of Paizo Organized Play scenarios in the past year?

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* 4. Have you previously participated in a Paizo playtest survey? (Not including other surveys related to the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest)

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* 5. When you play (or intend to play) Starfinder, what setting do you play (or intend to play) in? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. How experienced are you with tabletop roleplaying games in general?